Whatsapp Emoji Puzzle Tamil
398 out of 5 november 22 2013 by puzzler 7 comments.
Whatsapp emoji puzzle tamil. Guess famous tamil movies names from whatsapp emoticons smileys emojis and symbols whatsapp emojis puzzle with answers. The emoticon and smiley puzzles on whatsapp are getting regional and are now so popular that every state or even city for that matter have their own list of whatsapp puzzle. Whatsapp smileys and emoticons play a major role in making the puzzle more tough and interesting. Share these cool whatsapp puzzles whatsapp quiz whatsapp games and whatsapp dare messages in groups to start a war or choose.
Guess tamil movie actor and actress names from emoticons and smileys. Find the tamil actors name. For other puzzles you would. Guess the songs from whatsapp emoticons smileys and symbols puzzle with answers.
So were you able to solve the riddle. I am sure if youre a frequent whatsapp users then you also came across these whatsapp puzzles. While whatsapp emoticons are great in expressing feelings these are also great in creating guessing game like whatsapp puzzles which is created by using whatsapp smileys and their answers are movie actor team country place name. Create puzzles and riddles with whatsapp emoticons and smiley and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles.
You can check if your answer is correct by. Guess the songs from whatsapp emoticons 41 votes average. Its fun when you share these whatsapp emoticon puzzle on whatsapp groups where your friends can crack it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.
Heres a totally new riddle which will keep you busy for sometime. They are cool amazing and its really fun to send them to your. Whatsapp tamil emoji puzzles guess famous tamil proverbs guess famous tamil proverbs. Guess the songs most difficult one from whatsapp.
Leave your answers in the comment section below. Guess the country whatsapp smiley puzzle.